Posts Tagged ‘bumper sticker’

June Is Upon Us

June 2, 2008

We as a campaign have accomplished a lot in the last five weeks. The headquarters is now up and running. The Grand Opening was held on May 8th and was a huge success. We had over 400 people in attendance even with threats of tornado warnings.

We also participated in the Red Bank Parade on Saturday, May 10th. We were worried that our tee shirts would not be ready but thanks to a great vendor we were dressed to kill in our red & blue “Jim Hammond for Sheriff” shirts still warm off the press.

Red Bank Parade
Our yard and 3×4 signs are in and have been flying out the door. Yesterday a volunteer came in and took the last of our 3×4’s. We have already re-ordered and expect our supply to be replenished by the middle of next week. The yard sign supply is still ample, but you will need to contact the headquarters to reserve yours.

Yay! We have bumper stickers. This is a special election and our time period to get organized has been so short. Our vendors have been so understanding working with our tight schedule. You can come by to pick some up or call us and we will mail them to you.

On a sad note we need to remember Larry Frazier and his family. Larry’s brother-in-law passed away last week. Larry is one of our volunteers here on staff at the headquarters.

This weekend will be the last for our volunteers to weed their garden, work on their tans, and rest up. Keep your eye out for red & blue “Jim Hammond for Sheriff” tee shirts in your neighborhood.

Remember the Hamilton County Republican Women’s picnic tonight at Greenway Farms @ 6:00. I look forward to meeting some new people. Also, the Tennessee Valley Republican Women are having their picnic tomorrow night at the Tennessee Riverpark’s West Pavillion. I hope to see you all there.
More updates coming.